Monday, July 31, 2006

5 Months & Enormous!

I'm 22 weeks and enormous. I'm bigger than anyone else that is due around the same time as me! How can this be?? I'm not enormous and neither is Chris. I swear, I'm going to have an enormous, monster baby - like a 18 pounder! There will be a picture of me in, of most viewed photo's, titled, 'Manhattan woman, gives birth to largest baby. Emergency c-section required to extract the little bugger.' This baby will be so large and developed, he'll come out talking and singing.

I did go to the doctor, who informed me that I gained about 10 lbs in a month. A Month! That's insane! During the course of 5 months I've gained the proper amount of weight, 15lbs, but most of it all in one month. And let me tell you -- I'm keenly aware that this is not all baby weight. I believe my ass is the exact same size as my belly, which really takes on a life of its own when I walk. I'm very ka-dunk-a-dunk-dunk.


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