Monday, August 06, 2007

New Accomplishments.

It's that time again, Hayden's new accomplishments!

1. He is going to crawl any minute now! He gets on his knees and rocks back and forth. Currently he puts one knee forward then falls onto his belly. In a few days/weeks, I'm sure he'll be off & running, I mean crawling.

2. He holds onto my hands and pulls himself up to standing position. He also sits himself down then pulls himself back up and then he rocks back and forth. It seems like a boy thing to do.

3. New babbling - now with the letter G. ggggggg. It's cute and comes with lots of drool.

4. I occasionally think Hayden knows how to clap on command. Other times, I think I'm just imagining it.

5. He sleeps on his side now.

6. He has full control of his pacifier. When it falls, he finds it, picks it up & puts it in his mouth, the right way.

7. Sits for extended period of time without falling.

8. Continues to be the sweetest, happiest most adorable baby I have ever seen!


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