Monday, November 09, 2009

First Parent - Teacher Conference

Had our first parent teacher conference this morning. It was great to hear someone else's opinion on Hayden especially because they think he is such a great kid! Some highlights:

1. He is good at follow-through. When he is done playing with a toy he will put it away. He will really focus on finishing an art project. In all the yrs these teachers have been at school, Hayden is the only one to bring back an art project he didn't finish.

2. He loves to clean (gets this from his dad). He enjoys dusting the room, cleaning toys in the sink and using a little vacuum.

3. He is kind and considerate. When he is done playing with a toy, like play-doh he will ask the other kids if they want to use it.

4. He is even tempered and independent.

5. He loves super-heros and is beginning to play imaginary games in the school yard with his other friends.

Net-net: we were blessed with an amazing kid!


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