Sunday, November 13, 2011

Birthday realization

I just turned 37 & time seems to be slipping quickly by me. Hayden, my baby is nearly 5 & Emerson is a gregarious 1.5yr old. I'd like to document one thing about them or our lives, daily.

Today Hayden took a test for the private school application process he cried the entire way there (this whiney cry that I have to admit makes me nuts) and then admitted he was scared. Really who can blame him as we are asking him to sit in a room of strangers and answer questions for an hour. I worry he bombed it. It's not that Hayden isn't intelligent, but expressing himself & using his words is not his strong suit

Emy was a riot all day. Was non-stop talking & playing & making us play Maroon5's moves like Jagger a hundred times


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