Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Hayden for President

I can't help it, I have high hopes for my boy. I feel like he is going to accomplish great things, like...well....he may be President. And by President, I mean President of the United States. I'd be first mom - and it would be glorious! I'd provide insight to his campaign platform and would help him develop foreign policy. He would thank me in his inaugural speech, saying something to the effect of, "without the love of my mom, I couldn't have achieved this." He would invite Presidents, Kings & Prime Ministers to our summer house and we'd entertain them & I would tell them charming stories about Hayden when he was a small boy. Chris & I would become philanthropists and... wait a minute - what am I doing, he could end up just being amazing and fantastic to me, which frankly, is the best outcome a mom could ask for.


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