Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time today...

it was a beautiful sound.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

True conversation with Hayden....

True conversation with Hayden

Me: Where does Daddy work?
Hayden: Etrade
Me: Where does Mommy work?
Hayden: Google.
Me: Where does Grandpa Mike (the doctor) work?
Hayden: Golf.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Story Time.

Hayden likes the stories I tell. Since I've been a bit tired lately, we'll hang out in my bed and I'll rub his back. We lie almost nose to nose and I'll tell him the story of a little girl named Ali who loved going to school. Her dogs Mandy and Wheatie missed her so one day they followed her all the way to school. Low and behold the teacher allowed the dogs to stay in school that day. He thinks this is a great story, especially when Mandy and Wheatie take the school bus home with little Ali.

These days Hayden and I share so many special little moments together. I wish I could bottle him.

My love bug.

At dinner last night Hayden looked at Chris and I and said, 'I love you mommy. i love you daddy.' And then he got sad face. He was feeling overwhelmed and got a little emotional, requiring several family hugs to help him. It was so cute, so sweet, so special and beautiful. I love you Hayden!

I have a secret and I'm excited to share it with you.

I'm pregnant. I think it's a girl. First trimester has been tough, but I'm getting through it.

Don't tell. It's our secret.