Saturday, January 30, 2010

It's Cold Outside But My Brain Is All About Summer.

It's 16 degrees out and windchill -1. I decided to stay in all day and turn up the heat. I just had a glorious summertime dream. In my dream, it was a perfect summer day, about 80. I was at my parents house, sitting under the shade of a big tree, new baby in my arms. I built a beautiful tent to lay under, was eating fresh fruit and Hayden was playing nearby, quietly while I read a book.

I'm ready for summer and I think I may even be ready for this new babe.

I Thought I Knew, But I Have No Idea!!

I totally thought I was having a girl. I tried to play dumb to Chris so he could still be surprised, but I truly thought from seeing the Ovaries in the sonogram that it was girl-city. When I told my OB she said, silly - those are YOUR ovaries NOT the babies! So now, I truly have no idea what kind of baby we are having.

I'm thrilled with a boy or girl, so I'm not wishing for one over the other. I'm just excited at the surprise!! Four more months until we find out. :)

Thursday, January 07, 2010


Hayden has discovered 'boobies. A little in my opinion but I can't have him unlearn it. When he plays with his female action figures he yells, Boobies and points at Wonder Woman or Hawk Girl's Chest. Then he points at my chest and yells, 'boobies!" I asked where he learned this and he said, "daddy"
