Sunday, November 19, 2006

New Biggest Fear!

Okay, so this scenario keeps playing through my head. I go into labor on Thanksgiving. Doesn't sound so bad does it? I'd have my family here, everyone would be excited, I'd have my mom to lean on (no one is better at making me feel okay than my mom). Picturesque, right?

Wrong! I realized, suddenly that if I went into the hospital on Thanksgiving they'd probably have a skeleton crew. The nurses that are supposed to dote on me would be with some other laboring woman (in what would appear to them!), worse shape than me. But I have a lower tolerance to pain, and a higher need for attention and sympathy - so my simple pregnancy will require a lot of attention.

Most importantly, with a skeleton crew, how long will I have to wait for my epidural? Instead of a 30 minute wait, maybe I'd have to wait an hour or TWO or LONGER... oh dear lord.

New goal: keep baby inside me until after Thanksgiving.


Blogger Unknown said...

Good advise I was told about the epidural - tell the nurses that you weigh and are a bit taller than you really are. Then it will for sure last longer.

4:33 PM  

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