Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Video Of The Biggest Moment In My Life - Cut Short For A Phone Call

Chris (the hub) and I decided to watch, (for the first time) the video of the moment I held Hayden in my arms. We made a big production of it, with Chris rewinding the video so I can be surprised and see it with 'fresh eyes'. It was a beautiful moment and I was thrilled Chris caught it on camera. I was crying and crying, overcome with emotion, and trying really hard to smile for pictures. Then suddenly, after about 10 seconds the video stopped and you hear Chris answer the phone and say 'Oh, hey man' and then BOOM! The video is OVER!! O-V-E-R.

The biggest moment in my life, that we both wanted on video was cut short so Chris could answer the phone when one of his buddies called. We didn't tape the birth, I mean, who wants to watch that?! But this moment - THE MOMENT I hold Hayden, the child I built for 10 months was only captured for ten....very short....seconds. So sad.

When we were watching the video together last night Chris said, "wait. did I just stop video taping to answer the phone?". I was too shocked to say anything....


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