Monday, August 07, 2006

Hezbollah Shmezbollah

So, the world is quickly going up in flames. Hezbollah and Israel are at war, and there is no immediate end in sight. The Hezbollah fighters are much, much more experienced, well-armed and dangerous than Israel first expected. And the Lebanese people are the ones paying the price. But, hey, what does this have to do with having a baby? Nothing!

The typical me (typical = pre-pregnancy) reads the international section of the paper front to back, I consume op-ed articles all while watching the news. Today, the news, as bad as it is, is at a low hummm. Today, I read the paper, maybe about a paragraph, and then I find myself daydreaming about the future with little Hayden.

I think it must be a defense mechanism. If I thought too long and hard about this stuff, I'd be terrified to have a child, particularly in NYC. So, now, I just tune it out. Frankly, the world looks pretty rosy from this standpoint. Now I know what the ignorant dopes that voted Bush in must have felt like.


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