Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My Mom's Version of Putting Hayden to Bed

My mom offered to put Hayden to sleep the other night. I was a little skeptical because she is so over-the-top in love with him she can't stop talking to him and trying to get him to smile. I finally relented and said, "sure mom, you can put him to bed, but remember, don't talk to him or it winds him up and he'll never fall asleep".

Fast forward 15 minutes. Chris walks by Hayden's bedroom and sees my mom not only talking to Hayden, "How much do I love you" but with a rattle in his ear! Poor kid couldn't sleep if he wanted to. So, I graded my mom and gave her a big fat "F" for putting him to sleep.

I'm treading on thin ice here by telling this story because my mom, since that time not only stopped doing that, but she even feeds him in the middle of the night when she sleeps over. I can't screw this arrangement up! LOVE YOU MOM!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Chris' Version of 'Babysitting'

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Poop Diapers.

All those parents out there that said changing diapers isn't that bad were right. In fact, Hayden is sometimes at his very cutest when I am changing his diapers - he coo's at me and smiles - it's great.

I can do without the poopie diapers - his already stink, but it's really it's not that bad.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

I Pick Hayden's Nose.

I'm not afraid to admit it - I pick Hayden's nose. When I see a little bat in the cave, I try to get it out. Who wants a kid with buggers? I guess I could use a q-tip, but he's my boy, who I created from scratch, so I feel it's somehow justified.

For all of you that are thinking I have cooties, I'll have you know I wash my hands obsessively throughout the day so any Hayden cooties I may have 'picked' up have been eliminated.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Now that Hayden is smiling, Chris and I are in constant competition to see who can make him smile more and bigger. I've lost.

I spend all day with Hayden making silly faces, singing and jumping around - anything for a smile. I only get the occasional smile. Chris, who only spends one hour with him a day walks into Hayden's room, talks in a cockney accent and Hayden not only smiles (ear to ear no less) but giggles! He says, "Hello luv" and Hayden lights up like a Christmas tree. After Chris left the room, I tried it, "Hello luv" and Hayden barely even made eye contact with me.

I complained to Chris who summed it up. He said I spend so much time with Hayden I've become like furniture. In Hayden's eyes it's like, o look, there is the couch, chair, rug, blond woman, phone, etc, etc, etc. All my love, time and attention I pay to this kid, and I've BECOME THE EQUIVALENT OF FURNITURE! A mother's love is always under appreciated.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hippy Mom.

I never thought I'd be the kind of mom to have a sling. They are too hippy-dippy. Well, I got one, because my little guy likes to stay with me all day long and I want to keep him close but also get things done. Enter stage left - the sling. Anyway, Hayden looks adorable in it, and it's army green which I like.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

First Smile.

Look at this face... need I say more?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Video Of The Biggest Moment In My Life - Cut Short For A Phone Call

Chris (the hub) and I decided to watch, (for the first time) the video of the moment I held Hayden in my arms. We made a big production of it, with Chris rewinding the video so I can be surprised and see it with 'fresh eyes'. It was a beautiful moment and I was thrilled Chris caught it on camera. I was crying and crying, overcome with emotion, and trying really hard to smile for pictures. Then suddenly, after about 10 seconds the video stopped and you hear Chris answer the phone and say 'Oh, hey man' and then BOOM! The video is OVER!! O-V-E-R.

The biggest moment in my life, that we both wanted on video was cut short so Chris could answer the phone when one of his buddies called. We didn't tape the birth, I mean, who wants to watch that?! But this moment - THE MOMENT I hold Hayden, the child I built for 10 months was only captured for ten....very short....seconds. So sad.

When we were watching the video together last night Chris said, "wait. did I just stop video taping to answer the phone?". I was too shocked to say anything....

Sunday, January 07, 2007

These Are The Moments I Cherish

My Husband is Obsessed With Work - He is Trying To Brand Hayden with E*TRADE logo

As you can see, Hayden is NOT happy about it!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Hayden on Hayden Crime

It was awful. This morning I saw Hayden commit a heinous crime against himself. As I was changing his diaper (yes, I now change diapers!), he started crying. This is unusual because I believe Hayden knows that a diaper change is always a good thing - it airs out his parts and he gets cleaned up and dried. Therefore, he never cries during a diaper change. As I was saying, he started to cry - and loudly. And that is when I saw it - he had his hair in his hand, in the tightest grasp I've seen thus far. He was unknowingly pulling on his hair - and hard!

I jumped in, and made sure his hand was as close to his head as possible to reduce the pull, but I couldn't get him to open up his little hand and release his hair. The thing is, he didn't know that his own hand was causing that pain! It was horrible. I eventually got his hand open and saved the day. Such is life as a super-mom.