Saturday, August 19, 2006

Boys: I Love Em!

Okay, I have to admit, or maybe I did already, so I'll restate - I don't exactly know what to do with a boy. When I think of little girls, I know exactly what activities they will like and the things we'll talk about- you know, I want to grow up to be a ballerina or singer or hairdresser (that was me for a minute). With a boy, I have limited vision of our future. What is the minimum amount of sporting events I can attend, while still being an attentive, encouraging & loving mother?

This weekend, I had a vision of my future and I liked what I saw. I stayed at my cousin Mark's house and he has two boys: Max & Sam. After only two full days with the kids, I can't wait to have boys.

These kids are great!!! They are funny and outgoing, love baseball and their mom! They do fun activities like biking and swimming and the little one just likes to run. They smile all the time and are just a delight to be around. I would be unbelievably lucky to have kids like them.

As their mom Michele says: It's all due to sleep training! (another blog forthcoming).


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