Friday, December 29, 2006

First Christmas!

We celebrated our first Christmas with Hayden. It was slightly anticlimatic for him since he was sleeping when we opened his gifts. However, I have to say he got some great gifts!! This kid is going to be so spoiled! What I thought was funny is that Chris wrapped a gift that said, "To: Mom, From: Hayden". When I saw it, I thought it was for Chris' mom. It took me a few hours before it dawned on me, that I AM THE MOM. THAT GIFT WAS FOR ME,You know Hayden's mom! Here is the gift.

First Bath!

We did it! We gave our dirty little boy his first bath. I have to say, it wasn't that bad. Well, it wasn't so bad for Chris and I, Hayden was another story.....

Please note: I had a picture here of Hayden's first bath. This was a naked picture of him, showing allllllllll this little bits and pieces. Needless to say, I know that teenage boys hate it when they have naked pictures of them in their parents photo album. I can only imagine how they feel when these pictures are on the internet - for the world to see. To save Hayden the humiliation, I took down the photo.

Hayden: please note, you owe me one for this. I will cash in one day. love - mom.

The Baby Nurse Left!

O dear god, the baby nurse left a few days ago and Chris and I are losing it. Our baby nurse did the night feedings (10:30 and 2:30am), washed Hayden, dressed him, changed his poopy diapers and prepared his bottles. Without her, Chris and I are exhausted, we feed Hayden late and we have, to be frank a dirty baby. I realized yesterday that we didn't change Hayden out of his pajamas until 6pm and he is breaking out in baby acne. We are falling apart!

The good news is that I can raise my little guy without anyone telling me how to do it. And my version of child care includes holding my son in my arms all day, soaking up all possible cuddle time.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Mom Vacation!

I didn't realize it, but I was on mom vacation! The baby nurse that we hired for two weeks did all of Hayden's night feedings - the 10:30pm and 2am. She changed his diapers, did his laundry, prepared his bottles and took him out for walks. What did I do!? I gave him love and lots of it! I got to snuggle with him and stare at him and chat and sing to him. It was great.

Mom vacation is O-V-E-R! The baby nurse left and Chris and I (mostly I!) are doing everything and the night feedings are a nightmare. I really don't mind all the other stuff - but I need my sleep.

Can A New Mom Write A Funny Blog?

Since Hayden arrived I've had trouble being funny. I've spent the last two weeks crying every time I look at him. He is such a sweet, beautiful little boy and I can't believe he is my baby. My little baby boy!! My boy that I need to protect and love and teach all the things life had to offer!

All the thoughts I had about being a mom have completely turned around. Before I saw him I thought, 'what are the least amount of Hayden's sporting events I need to attend and still be considered a good mom?' Now I think, 'I must attend all of Hayden's events'!

I've been in new mom la-la land, walking around in a daze with only one thought - I LOVE THIS LITTLE GUY AND I CAN'T BELIEVE HE IS MY LITTLE BABY! This is the little guy that I spent 10 months thinking about, dreaming about, talking about, blogging about. This is Hayden and god, do I love him!

New Photo:

Monday, December 18, 2006


Hi everyone! I am so happy to announce that I finally met my little boy! After all that waiting and waiting and endless chatter to my belly I finally met my little guy for the first time on Thurs, 12/7 at 3:41pm.

Drum roll pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaase! Introducing, the fab-u-licious HAYDEN EDWARD YOUNG!!!!!!! He was born 7 lbs 1.8oz and 18 inches. I can't believe he wasn't a monster baby! Every single inch of him is adorable and sweet as a button. I am madly in love with this little guy.

As for my regular blog readers (hi mom!), you'll be happy to know delivery was pretty darn easy. I was in labor for about 8 hours from first contraction to holding Hayden in my arms. I had the best night's sleep the night before and went into labor around 7am. I could not have done this whole baby thing without my anesthesiologist team. They are my hero's. I love them almost as much as Hayden. I could dedicate an entire blog to the miracles of modern science and pain killing drugs if only I didn't have so many feedings a day. Anyway, the delivery was a little rough. The umbilical cord was wrapped around Hayden's neck and he was in distress. We had to get him out pronto to avoid any damage to his brain so we ended up doing, the dreaded and feared forceps delivery. After going through that, I have to say, it looks a hell of a lot worse than it feels. It really was no big thing. I got an extra dose of drugs, and they pulled him out. Easy.

Gotta run, the little guy doesn't want to go to bed! More to come, I promise!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

First Trip To The Pediatrician.

We took Hayden to the Pediatrician three days after he was born. Aside from getting him home from the hospital this was our very first trip outside. Our Pediatrician is about a seven minute walk from our apartment, but to us, with our new precious baby, it felt like the longest walk across the busiest streets where danger lurked at every corner.

In retrospect we probably looked crazy. Every car that passed we'd yell, "slow down - there is a baby!" or "watch where you are going buddy!". We were scared we'd fall victim to senior driving - you know, where a little blue haired lady in an enormous Cadillac from the 80's would accidentally hit the gas instead of the break. Or the man walking his dog would drop the leash and the dog would jump on the stroller. Or the stroller would get away from us and go careening down the street. Or the bumps in the pavement would somehow damage Hayden. The list goes on.

Needless to say, we made it to the Pediatrician in one piece, although our nerves were frazzled.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

hayden"s comin

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Waiting and Waiting and Waiting!

I'm seriously ready for this child. I never in a million years thought I'd look forward to labor, but that is exactly where I'm at right now. I want to meet this kid already!

I saw the doctor yesterday who said he looks like a happy/healthy child. He was active and moving around, has plenty of amniotic fluid (aka breakfast, lunch and dinner - I think. Wait, then what is the umbilical cord for? I just confused myself...) for him to hang out in for a while. So, if he does take his sweet time at least he's in a good house and hopefully won't need intervention, which can cause complications.

And most importantly, she said I may not have an enormous baby - it may just be all the fluid. Thank goodness.

Come on labor!

Monday, December 04, 2006

I Wish I Was A Marsupial.

Marsupial mom's have it good. They give birth to this tiny little speck, who then crawls up their fur to a little pocket where they grow, outside the womb. The baby nurses for months and I bet the mother loses that baby weight real fast since she is nursing so early.

How hard can it be to give birth to a speck!? I wish I was a marsupial.