Saturday, September 02, 2006

OMG! I Saw A Scary Labor

So, I decided quite stupidly, that I should watch a real, live childbirth on The Discovery Channel. I eventually felt that I need to be informed of the potential hurdles of labor. I can't tell you what a horrible decision this was. I can barely write about it because I can barely think about it without wanting to vomit with fear.

Let me break it down, very briefly... (if I go into details, I will get myself sick)
1. It took 3 tries of stabbing this poor girl in the back before the Epidural took.
2. I will never, as long as I live allow forecepts to be used to extract babies from my na-na.

All I want is for a stork to drop off Hayden at my front door on December 1st. Or else, at time of labor, I want to transfer the baby, like the Star-Trek Transporter thing-a-ba-bob, from myself to Chris so he can go through labor. This kid better love me. And I mean love me a lot, like, more than Chris.


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